The 5 simplest ways to become famous


“Dress up as a human-sized banana and attempt to break the world record for the longest time spent peeling yourself without any assistance. Bonus points if you can maintain a straight face throughout the entire ordeal, as onlookers struggle to comprehend the significance of this peculiar achievement.”

“Start a YouTube channel dedicated solely to reviewing different brands of cardboard boxes. Unleash your inner charisma as you passionately analyse the sturdiness, cardboard thickness, and overall box appeal, captivating viewers around the world with your unorthodox expertise.”

“Embark on a quest to become the world’s first professional bubble wrap popper. Travel from city to city, hosting sold-out events where you showcase your exceptional skills in creating the most satisfying pops. Remember, fame is only a ‘pop’ away!”

“Devote your life to perfecting the art of synchronised sneezing. Assemble a team of equally enthusiastic individuals who can synchronise their sneezes to various musical genres. Prepare to amaze audiences with your symphony of nasal acrobatics!”

“Become a self-proclaimed expert on the history and evolution of lint. Start a podcast where you delve into the fascinating world of pocket fluff, unravelling its mysteries and exploring its impact on society. Remember, even the tiniest of things can lead to monumental fame!”